Domino Tournament Rules:
- BE ON TIME. Team must be present and ready to begin his or her match as soon as the table and opponent are available. If a team is not ready to begin, there is a 5-minute countdown before the match is forfeited to the opponent.
- WINNING a match will be first team to 100 points
- 2-GAME Elimination. Teams have to lose two games to be eliminated from the tournament. Brackets will be updated and shown at the tournament.
- GAME SCORING will be handled by the table players. Scoring sheet will be provided.
- THE TIME LIMIT ON MATCHES will be exactly 30 minutes from the first domino played. Record the starting time at the top of the score sheet. If time runs out, the current game is allowed to finish to determine a winner by points.
- CHANGING PARTNERS and changing seats during a game is not permitted.
- DOUBLES. Any hand that has 5 or more doubles is to be returned to the table for a new wash. If a player/team is not aware, and the game starts, the game will continue.
- NO CHEATING is permitted by word, deed, or action, including trying to transfer information to a partner. Any suspected cheating should immediately be called to the attention of the tournament committee. Do not wait until after the game or hand. A 50-point penalty or expulsion from the tournament can be the result of cheating.
- NO SMOKING, LOUD TALKING, USING PROFANITY OR SLAPPING DOMINOES DOWN ON THE TABLE. Those breaking dominoes will be required to pay for a new set. Spectators cannot talk among themselves or to players during a game.
- FIRST TO GO DOWN is determined by shuffling the dominoes and drawing one per team. The high draw wins the down.
- DOMINOES EXPOSED during the shuffle will be reshuffled.
- MISPLAYED DOMINO, if caught before the next person plays or passes, will be played on the table, if it will play. If it does not play, it will be turned face-up on the table and played at the first opportunity by the person making the error.
- BLOCKED GAME results only after all the dominoes have been drawn and neither team can play. If that is the case, the lowest number of points for ONE team member is compared and the lower number wins the round.